Use of special devices can reduce water wastage

Water is an essential natural resource for all living organisms. About 97 % of earth water is in the form of oceans and 2.5% are is in the icecaps. But only a small amount of fresh water is available for drinking.
We all need to save water because it is a vital element for all living organisms for survival. We do not require water only for the drinking purpose but for many other reasons. We need water for cleaning, washing, and also for growing various crops. We can preserve our environment by using stored water. You can also save money by saving water.
Conserving water is very important and we should try to save water. There are many ways to reduce the consumption of water.
Always check your toilet for leak and install water-saving showers. Taking a shorter shower can also save water. Turn the taps off while brushing your teeth and shaving. If we start to save water from today, we can help to ensure a water supply adequate for our future generations.
There are many devices that are specially designed to reduce the usage of water. Install all such devices everywhere in your house and save water for your future.
A Swedish startup has invented a nozzle for taps that could dramatically cut household water use. Altered’s Dual Flow gadget fits on to existing taps to atomize water into a mist of millions of droplets, reducing the flow of water by 98 percent.
“From an ordinary tap, as much as 10 to 12 liters of water run out every minute,” says Kaj Mickos, who developed the device with his son-in-law, Johan Nihlén. “But only a small part of that touches your hands or rinses off the plate.”
The Altered’s nozzle can also be adjusted to create a steady stream, though still at a reduced flow rate of 85 percent compared to standard taps.
“The most important thing to us is to make a difference to the serious water situation in the world today,” says Johan Nihlén
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