Use your talent to serve others

Every person is blessed with unique talents. Our talents are our strengths. Some people take benefits from this gift while others get nothing from it.
A person should use his talent to serve others. Learn to serve others, it is a good thing. Our world needs goodness. Nothing is bigger than a good deed.
We all get advantages from other people’s talents. We benefit from Jobs’ Apple creations, Edison’s light bulb, Ford’s automotive ideas, or our mom’s cooking. Almost everyone around us contributes to our welfare in one way or another.
But the interesting question is: Can we serve others from our talents?
Our talents are ours but they are not just there for us. God gives us talent so that we can share it with others, to serve others.
Sharing our talents with other people can create a lasting satisfaction. You need to exercise our talent so that other people end receives a benefit from it.
If you are a good magician, you can perform magic tricks at a children’s hospital to amuse them. If you are good at playing music you can play it at a nursing home.
An expert swimmer can teach people swimming, a cook can start a local cooking class, you can start a free class at the YMCA, or any other local town office, etc Adopt anything which you can do.
You may even change someone’s life using your talent. Take a small start and inspired other people too. Do at least one good deed a day. This will bring positive change in our environment.
If you are interested in helping others with your talent, you can advertise at and in your local newspaper.
——————————————————————————————————————-Get inspired by these stories and start your own cool deeds. Let’s fill every neighborhood with good and cool activities. Start your first GroupUp activity or event, invite others, register participants & share your cool deeds so others can follow. Use absolutely free tools to start your initiative. All for FREE, click here to start now.
Get inspiration and pick a date and create an “Event / Group Up” at It is absolutely FREE. There are so many ideas on, let’s take one and go with it or come up with your own ideas and start something good and cool in your neighborhood. Click here to get started.
Share it on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts to announce. Send an invite to your friends, neighbors and family to join the “Event / Group Up”.
Perform the event, take images, videos, and share on to inspire the world so others can do the same in their community and neighborhood.
You did it…….Even if you did this alone, you should be proud of yourself as we surely are. Let’s start creating an “Event / Group Up” today. Please note is absolutely FREE for all the above activities. Our only purpose is to spread good and cool activities everywhere.