31 days to celebrate next month!!! (Part Two)
Back to our plans to July 2020 🌞
Let’s continue!!
16-July “Donate $10 for a person in need”
We are starting the second part of July, so how about doing something precious and simple to another human being 😃

17-July “Doughnuts”
It is doughnuts time, so go straight to the store and request your favorites. Then take a photo to remember this happy moment, and enjoy your day.
Today will be a great day because you want to be like that.
No more of daily worries, you want to start different and pause to this moment.
18-July “Volunteer Day”
Wear your support hat and the go-ahead to one of the non-profit charities as a volunteer. Enjoy the teamwork.
19-July “National Camera day”
Today is a special day because it’s all about your camera or your phone. Just take a bunch of photos and share them with us with a word about the scene itself.
Here’s the link for free registration. [cooldeeds.org]

20-July “Ice cream day”
We are still in July right!
So a great decision to have ice cream and a walk during the day.

21-July “National Yoga day”
It’s time to stay longer doing your favorite yoga positions. Let out all the negativity of your body, open to the world.
Let your body breathe 💓
22-July “Day to dress classic”
Have you seen (The Tourist) movie by Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie!!It’s EPIC. Literally, a fabulous movie especially what Angelina style during the whole movie.
She’s so sophisticated and intelligent.

Anyway, this day you need to wear a dress, express your feminine part. Go out of your ordinary and show a different side of you.
23-July “Beer Day”
Yes, it is time to drink more beer.
24-July “Gathering Day”
Remember what I have said in Part one about friends, to have a shield support you.
It’s time to have people you trust around you again. Set a time to hock out with your friends and don’t forget to have a lot of photos.
25-July “Doulpine Day”
Dolphins are wonderful creatures, and today is their day to draw a nice picture of them or even share a funny video when you met them for the first time.
If you have one of those videos, make sure to share with the world on cooldeeds.org
26-July “Yellow color day”
When I heard it for the first time, it was a funny thing to say not to mention that there are some jokes about this day that can be made.
But to wear this color for a day and have a lot of photos on my Instagram. Not to mention that yellow is so energic with black jeans and a colorful scarf 🌟

27-July “Chocolate Day”
I didn’t label which type of chocolate do you eat, just go ahead, and pick your favorite for this day with a cup of latte.
28-July “Caramel Pudding Day”
One of my favorite dessert, it changes my mood instantly. Especially with beans huh soo great to be good!

29-July ” Nationa Hair Day”
It is time for you to do an unfamiliar look or even change your hair’s color. It is good to get a look-change from time to time, especially that we were locked for months on our houses.
So before backing again to your ritual try to establish some changes. That can turn the eyes to you for a long time.

30-July “Belly Dance Day”
Belly dance videos are the funniest videos ever. Try to do a video shows your tries to do some of the moves. This experience is totally worth it, especially with friends.

31-July “Achievement Day”
Let’s conclude our month by counting our blessings. It’s not about how much have you earned in the last 30 days? Or after quarantine have you met a nice guy to hang out with?
I mean by mentioning the achievement day is:
Do you feel happy? If no, How are you going to make yourself happy soon?Do you have a good health and eat well.
Do you enjoy the summer and have a small amount of money to buy an ice cream or ride a bike.
Enjoy your time, it’s hard to have a long vacation like this in our lives ever again…
I hope, I succeeded in making your month full of different, heartful vibes. Tell me if you want to repeat this journey again with me 😃
If you are ready, please use all the free tools provided by www.cooldeeds.org to make it an effective event.
Step 1:
Get inspiration from the above and pick a date and create an “Event / Group Up” at www.cooldeeds.org. It is absolutely FREE. There are so many ideas on www.cooldeeds.org, let’s take one and go with it.
Step 2:
Send an invite to your friends and family to join the “Event / Group Up”. Share it on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts to announce.
Step 3:
Perform the event, take images, videos, and share on www.cooldeeds.org to inspire the world so others can do the same in their community and neighborhood.
You did it…….Even if you did this alone, you should be proud of yourself as we surely are. Let’s start creating an “Event / Group Up” today. Please note cooldeeds.org is absolutely FREE for all the above activities.
Created by Illuminator