Tips to improve global health in daily lives
You might be familiar with the fact that half of the world’s population still doesn’t have access to medical and essential health services. This gap in healthcare services affect the diagnosis and treatment of severe diseases, vaccination for infants and young children, and easy access of the public to family planning services.
The best way to improve and enhance Global Health is to hand over the responsibility to the knowledgeable people and the ones who have power in the field. We can also contribute to this program by adjusting our lifestyles and making our lives healthier. As health is closely connected to our environment, we can be the direct instruments of global health change.
The following are some of the tips you can follow to improve health and the environment:
1. Use water wisely
The availability of clean water is one of the biggest challenges of the modern world. Therefore, one must be mindful and use water wisely.
2. Minimize the use of plastic
There is no doubt that plastic is a versatile material and has many benefits. Somehow plastic finds its way into our grounds and water and is damaging our ecosystem. To save our environment it is important to switch to biodegradable products or minimize the purchase of plastic products.
3. Change your consuming habits
By changing our consumption patterns, we can have a less negative impact on the environment. Advocates of sustainable production and consumption look at the price label of food and their impact on ecology while consuming.
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