How to Protect children on the internet
There is no doubt that the Internet proves beneficial in every field of life. But when talking about children then it can be risky.
There are some adult contents on the internet that children can reach while browsing the internet. Every parent should be aware of the risk’s magnitude that could affect any kid.
You can adopt some steps to protect your child from Sexual predators, Cyberbullying, Mobile phone addiction, and hurtful content.
There are lots of different technical tools available to keep your kids safe online and a few of them are discussed below:
Ø Firstly try to avoid giving smartphones at a younger age. It can also harmful to their health, especially for their eyesight.
Ø Set a list of cellphone rules and stick them in your home.
Ø Download parental controls to limit your child’s usage and to monitor their activities.
Ø Set time limits for how long they can use the phone.
Ø Set a personal example for your child. Don’t bring your phone to the dinner table.
Ø Keep the phone out of your child’s bedroom at night.
Ø You can install an app to monitor your child’s texting such as Keepers.
Ø Set rating levels in your TVs for the content that children watch. Set filters to block inappropriate content on the internet.
Ø Many games feature violent or sexual content therefore it is important to be careful about the kinds of games your children play. Encourage your children to discuss the games they play. Keep their profile private.
Ø Do not let your kids on social media until they’re old enough. Keep the computer in a public location. Limit the amount of time spent on social media.
Ø Have a discussion with your kids about the big threats online today.
Ø Keep all of their information private and Teach them also the importance of keeping their information private and secure.
Ø Let them know that they can always come to you if something is bothering them, or if they have questions about anything they have seen online.
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