An inspiring story of a teenager who uses Lego to build his own robotic arm

God has gifted us with uncountable blessings. He has given us eyes to see the beauty, he gave us ears to hear pleasant sounds and nose to smell the fragrance. We should be thankful to him because some people are not blessed with these things.
An arm is a crucial part of life. We used it for many purposes. How can be your life if you dint have an arm?
David Aguilar has born without a right forearm due to a rare genetic condition. Aguilar without a right forearm but God has blessed him with a unique mind. He wanted to look like the other that’s why he built a robotic arm for himself.
He has always loved Lego and at the age of just nine, he built a rudimentary artificial arm for himself using the popular plastic construction toys.
“As a child I was very nervous to be in front of other guys because I was different,” he says, “but that didn’t stop me believing in my dreams.”
As he got older, he kept working on his prosthetic design, and now, aged 19 and studying bioengineering at university in Barcelona, he has designed a robotic arm with an electric motor inside, again using Lego pieces.
He says he aims to show that nothing is impossible. Now he wanted to create affordable robotic limbs for people who need them. “I’d try to give them a prosthetic, even if it’s for free, to make them feel like a normal person.”
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