Play your role to save the environment

Our environment is stepping towards disaster and the surface of our earth is warming continuously. This is affecting every aspect of our earth badly and all of this is because of climatic changes.
A climatic change is a change in the average conditions a region over a long period. . This change is rising the sea levels. Climate change is causing the severity of weather-related disasters that destroy homes and habitats that are causing people to seek shelter or livelihoods. Other possible effects include large-scale changes in ocean circulation.
It is caused by many natural as factor well as by human activities. Humans’ activity is affecting our environment more than natural factors. Humans are increasingly affecting the climate by the burning of fossil fuels, cutting of rainforests, and farming livestock.
All these activities are adding large amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere that can increase the greenhouse effect and global warming.
We should try to control these changes and save our environment. Try to power your house with renewable energy resources, reduce the consumption of water, and buy energy- efficiency appliance. We should plant more and more tree because trees and greenery is a great way to control the climatic change.
The Dutch city of Arnhem is attempting its best to o0vercome the effects of climatic changes by planting trees. They are changing their city layout to protect itself from the extremes of climate change, such as flooding and heatwaves.
Under a 10-year plan, 10% of the city’s asphalt will be replaced by grass and other greenery to help dissipate heat and improve the absorption of rainfall. The city aims to absorb 90% of rainwater into the soil rather than running off into sewers.
Arnhem sits 13 meters above sea level and has suffered serious flooding in recent years, while droughts have dried up its parks. Trees will be planted along roads to provide cover from the sun and sheltered “cooling down” areas, centered around ponds, will be constructed near squares and shopping centers.
“We must adapt to the climate change that is taking place now,” says city alderman Cathelijne Bouwkamp.
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