Save bees and keep our world alive

Bees are the flying insects and are widely known for their role in pollination and for producing honey. Bees and other insects are the vital elements for our food chain.
Unfortunately, their numbers have been falling from recent years, they are under threat of extinction. The reduction in the number of bees depends on many factors including the use of pesticides.
Combat Colony Collapse Disorder is a phenomenon that is occurring in North America. This disorder is affecting the number of bees as a result dairy and other industries are greatly affected.
Five years ago, the EU banned the use of neonicotinoids, a widely used group of insecticides, on flowering crops that attract bees. And from the end of this year, their use will now be banned completely, following an investigation that found the chemicals contaminate soil and water, and can then appear in wildflowers and succeeding crops.
“Banning these toxic pesticides is a beacon of hope for bees,” says Antonia Staats of campaign group Avaaz. “Finally governments are listening to their citizens, to the scientific evidence and farmers.”
There is a need to save bees because they carry out the process pollination and about one-third of the food of the world relies on pollination and they also help to grow a majority of plants that we eat.
Saving the bees is not an easy task but we should try to take steps to save them. We can do various strategies to save them. Do your part to help save the bees.
Put some water in a pot at one side of your yard for the bees to rest on. Pesticides can kill the bees therefore you should try to avoid the use of pesticides in your yard. Bees do not find a place easily to occupy so you should provide them a place to build their nest.
Plant bees friendly plants in your garden. Try to support your local beekeeper or you can become a beekeeper yourself. Spread awareness about the importance of bees in your friends and relatives.
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