Collecting duffle bags and suitcases for the foster kids

Mostly when a kid comes into foster care, he receives two trash bags, and the foster kid has to place all his possessions into these trash bags. They are forced to do so because social services cannot give every kid the convenience of a suitcase.
Can you imagine how bad do these kids can feel when there is no other option rather than keeping all their treasured possession into a trash bag?
You can make them happy by collecting a huge number of bags so that they can put their possession in it. Make a huge collection of duffle bags, overnight bags, and suitcases.
You can gather lots of these bags by collecting them from your friend or family. After collecting bags, your next step is to donate them .make a donation to an organization that will send these bags to children of foster care. Surely, you will feel pleasure in doing so.
You can also sponsor a program that is specially launched to provide duffle bags or suitcases to the foster kids.
The board of directors of SaySo, Strong Able Youth Speaking Out, is organizing the “Give a Child a Smile” program, Make a Difference Day project to collect new or gently-used duffle bags for youth in foster care.
“There are about 5,000 children who enter foster care in North Carolina each year. Their goal is to have 2,500 new or like-new suitcases and duffle bags donated by Saturday, October 26, Make a Difference Day,” said Carmelita Coleman, Director of SaySo.
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hello there, your site is amazing.Following your site.
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Love to see this every day !
Best View i have ever seen !