Plant a Tree
Planting a tree might seem an ordinary act but it can bring a lot of positive change to your society. Just think about the beautiful flowers and fresh plants, giving color and beauty to your hometown.

When trees can bring a lot of positivity to our planet, then why can’t we invest some time and love for this incredible creature of nature? Let’s take a step for our mother planet, plant some trees to your locality, and take care of the existing ones.

You might live in a busy city, where there are minimum resources and space for plantation. You can start from your own house, add some seeds to a pot and place it outside your house. How about some vegetable and fruit plants to provide free food to hungry people?
If you are a busy person or cannot find any place for tree plantation, you can donate some money to the NGOs for planting trees. Plant a Billion Trees is a campaign run by The Nature Conservancy. They plant trees in critical forests with the donations.
Here is the direct link to their site, to help you find the best place to donate for plantation of trees.