Wayne NJ man laid off by COVID-19 makes his mission to mow lawns for free and help others

By Jillian Risberg
The pandemic cost Brian Schwartz his job. But the Wayne man has decided to pay it forward by mowing your lawn for free, focusing on the elderly and underprivileged in North Jersey.
The pandemic cost Brian Schwartz his job. But the Wayne man has decided to pay it forward by mowing your lawn for free, focusing on the elderly and underprivileged in North Jersey.
Schwartz was working for an insurance marketing agency on the demand side from business development to media buying and ever since Coronavirus hit, he says people started to think about their finances, particularly life insurance.
“There was still business to be had, just less of it — causing the cost to acquire customers across competitors to go up,” says the Vice President of Demand Generation (VPDG). “And it wasn’t a good time to be in this industry. I was laid off in June.”
That prompted Schwartz to reinvent himself.
“On a whim I decided to do something good for others instead of moping around,” he says. “I’m late 30s, healthy and see what’s going on, feel bad and don’t have any of my grandparents anymore — so I can only imagine the stress others are going through.”
That meant coming up with an activity that didn’t require the VPDG going into homes and could help them save some money.
“There’s no obligation; it’s free and it feels good doing it,” says Schwartz, who is definitely playing it safe. “I’m all about social distancing and wearing masks; I’ve got gloves. I’m being totally cautious and respectful.”
Though Schwartz is not planning on taking up lawn mowing as a new profession, he’s been thinking about where his venture is headed.
“Some people are saying I should look for like-minded volunteers to help out and establish some form of referral partnerships,” he says. “There’s this lady that first inquired about the lawn mowing then she also asked about gardening, which I wasn’t really offering.”
According to Schwartz, he’s not going to say no but is looking to build a network of volunteers and partners.
“It’s another creative way to get the word out and find some business for others locally,” he says.
“If I could expand to other regions, it would be really cool — mowing lawns for free and doing up-sell partnerships with other home services partners; like landscaping, roofing, pest control, anyone that services homes that wants to become a network partner,” Schwartz says.
So far a Montville woman reached out, as well as women from Wanaque and Wayne regarding his mowing service.
“All of which didn’t need their lawn mowed yet,” the VPDG says. “They’re warm leads at the moment.
But he’s ready and willing to break out his Jeep, lawnmower and weed whacker as soon as they (and anyone else) need freshly cut grass.
And he will keep mowing if that’s where he needs to be right now.
“I’m playing it by ear, I’m not gonna turn people away,” Schwartz says. “I have this newborn on the way at the end of the month so obviously that’s gonna take some of my time up. I might not be able to come that day but give it a few days and I’ll come by.”
As we continue to deal with the ever-changing new normal, he wants to remind everyone there’s still some good in the world and we’re all in this together in some capacity.
“Just putting it out into the universe, I believe it all comes back in some way, shape or form,” says the VPDG. “I’m doing some soul searching, absorbing all the options professionally, trying to learn some new skills (and) keep my mind sharp.”
How far will he travel to mow your lawn?
“(There’s) a form page on the site that lists the cities I would be able and willing to go to,” Schwartz says. “I’d prefer to be within a 10-mile radius (in Passaic County) but if it’s 15/20 miles I’m happy to make the trek.”
If you want to know more or get a free lawn mowing, visit www.iwanttomowyourlawn.com/.
Story was contributed by https://www.mypaperonline.com/wayne-man-laid-off-by-covid-19-makes-his-mission-to-mow-lawns-for-free.html
CoolDeed Idea:
Let’s group up to mow the lawns in summer and clean the snow from driveways in winter of seniors, veterans, and others who are unable to do it by themselves or hire a company to do it for them. What a great way to take care of the seniors and other deserving neighbors.
To start this or other similar ideas, please visit www.cooldeeds.org
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