5 random acts of kindness ideas for work
& Write a recommendation for your co-worker
The LinkedIn platform is truly useful to get more useful connections and new opportunities, not to mention that each month you spend in your current company, increases the value of your profile account.
I use it for years so far, and for the last 2 or maybe 3 years, I don’t face any intense moments with any interview.
And that’s totally normal as I have a plain, detailed and updated profile with all the information about my work skills and personal skills, etc.
& An appreciation e-mail to your team
It feels so good when your DAILY EFFORTS are recognized, it isn’t up for granted.
Start your speech with a good job and I am glad that I have such a team, then go ahead and give them your magic sentences.

& Bring a morning coffee to your partner
It is a good start for a day, to do your daily ritual with a close person. The day plans seem at that point much easier and achievable, right!!
& Go extra mile to your team
I worked for an international company and we had a meeting as an orientation session to go over the policies and terms of the company, you know to give an overview before jump in and take the details, anyway.
After finishing the session with two hours, I receive an email with all the links and more detailed paragraphs in case I wanted to know more about each aspect.
It was truly useful as the next time, I started asking questions and went beneath the surface although it was the second session of the orientation.
So what I mean here is, go extra mile to your team, do a summary for them even if you all on a professional standard level.
You can also spend 5 minutes editing your calender so each time you set a meeting with them, they can receive a notification with at least 15 minutes earlier to have notes or go over their agenda or even have a chance to grab their coffee while hurrying to your meeting.
& Never scold your employee in front of the team
It is one of the worst gesture you can actually do in front of your team, instead, you can have a long talk with him in a separate room.
We are grown up, and yeah still some people don’t act like that. But where is your manner!!
So please, please don’t scold an employee in front of the team

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